Conservative Tribune

No information on the site indicates when it was launched. Other sites using the name Conservative Tribune have been tracked by Internet Archive Wayback Machine going back to 2009. The site in its current appearance was first tracked in 2016.

Political position:
Right-wing. Conservative Tribune has a somewhat less-belligerent tone than other sites. Although it's thoroughly pro-Trump and conservative causes, the language it uses In its writing is not as angry as some other sites. The site's stated mission is: "The Conservative Tribune was founded to counter-act the mainstream media's open bias against conservatism, capitalism, and the U.S. Constitution."

Conservative Tribune is owned by Liftable Media Inc., the same group that owns Tea Party News Network (TPNN) and Western Journalism. As with TPNN and Western Journalism, the stories on Conservative Tribune are somewhat questionable in their sourcing and veracity, as they are all based on links to outside news sites. Conservative Tribune links primarily to right-wing sites such as Breitbart, the Washington Times and Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller. The site serves primarily as an aggregator of political news and events, which are rewritten with a conservative, pro-Trump slant.

Other points:
Conservative Tribune has a Facebook page. The website has an above-average number of banner advertising, which makes the site slow to load and navigate. CT appears to be based in Phoenix, the same location as its owner, Liftable Media. CT has a page that lists job openings, which suggests that it is a legitimate operation."

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